Hello, it’s been a while and I hope you haven’t forgotten about us, ‘coz we certainly haven’t forgotten about you!
January is the perfect time of the year to reconnect with love ones, so we thought we’d used this moment to give you some news and keep you aware of where things are, before getting into more details over the next few weeks.
First of all, while we’ve been quiet in communication, we’ve been working pretty hard in the shadows. Since June, we gathered feedback from you and the community to take a look at the whats and whys carefully. We have used your comments to create an improved King Cat. And we got back to work.
We’ve focused our efforts on 4 areas:
We made the game easier, simpler and a lot more dynamic. We also put together a shiny rulebook in English, French and Spanish (available soon on the website)
We ditched the expansion pack and shifted its content to campaign goals, so there will be one and only one King Cat, for ever and ever.
Is there more to say?
We looked at other reputable manufacturers that we are confident will deliver a top-notch product, while reducing the price dramatically.
We’re currently finalizing the gameplay video and the next chunk is to create a new presentation video from the ashes of the original one. A bit of marketing and we shall be prepared for a relaunch in Spring.
Wishing you all the best for 2018 – it’s already feline good!